
Welcome to "Wanderlusting: The World Travels of Carrie Decker!" 

This blog exists as a travelogue for the adventures of Carrie Decker (me). My deepest gratitude goes out to you for spending time with me among these pages.

I began this blog as a means of recording and sharing my experiences abroad with family and friends back home. It started my junior year of college, when I visited Belize and Costa Rica as part of a Tropical Field Biology course at Wheaton College. I continued to write during my semester abroad at Royal Thimphu College in Bhutan in spring of 2013, and on into my summer travels in Europe that same year. This portion included a week with my father in Austria and Switzerland, and then two months of solo adventuring as a wwoofer in Germany. I put the blog on hiatus for the next many months as I completed my undergraduate education at Wheaton. 

During my senior year at Wheaton, I applied for a Watson Fellowship, and come March, I was very proud to learn that I won one of the Watson Foundation's forty fellowship grants. Please visit the page "What's a Watson?" to learn more on what exactly this fellowship is. For the purposes of this page, this award meant it was high time for me to revitalize and reinvigorate this blog! Over the next year I will be pursuing the connections between nature conservation and creative writing, especially poetry, in Dominica, Botswana, Australia, and China.

I am thrilled to immerse myself in the wanderlust before me, and report back to you with my findings and feelings, my dear reader. My goals are to share with you what I learn as I travel, and provide an honest and interesting report on what I see, smell, hear, feel, and understand, as well as inklings of what I don't understand. 

My comment boxes and email inbox welcome your suggestions, insights, and questions. Really, please contact me--I'd love to hear from you. My address is carolyndecker92@gmail.com.

Here's hoping that you are well, and having many excellent adventures of your own at the smallest and greatest extents. Thank you for joining in mine. 

With love,

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